About Us
Spaniel Field Trials are held by our member clubs across Canada. The events range from Open All Age, Amateur All Age, Hunt Tests and minor stakes such as Puppy and Limit Stakes. Any dog that has placed at any of our member clubs All Age events within the last two years, prior to a given years National, is qualified to enter that National event, in respect to Amateur or Open All Age. For a listing of our Member Clubs, their location and contact persons, click on the Member Clubs tab.
A Spaniel Field Trial is an event where Flushing Spaniels (English Springers, Cocker Spaniels etc) compete against each other in as close to hunting conditions as possible. Live birds are flushed by the dogs and are shot by designated gunners in a sporting manor. The dispatched birds are then retrieved to the handler in a quick and efficient manner. It’s a bit more technical but that’s it in a nut shell. At Field Trials, placements and Championship points are given; 1st (5 points), 2nd (3 points) 3rd (2 points) and 4th (1 point). In order to become a Field Trial Champion (F.T.CH) or Amateur Field Trial Champion (A.F.T.CH.) a Spaniel must earn a total of 10 points including a 1st place and completion of a water test. A Hunt Test is an event where a Flushing Spaniel completes defined tests and standards and is given accreditation for completion of each test.
The titles given at a Spaniel Hunt Test are as follows; Working Spaniel (W.S), Junior Hunter (J.H), Senior Hunter (S.H) and Master Hunter (M.H)
Below is a video that the South Western Ontario Spaniel Club, in conjunction with Ontario Angler and Hunter Television, have created that highlights the qualities of the Field Bred English Springer Spaniel.